Terms & Conditions
Game Of Skill
Pro Tour Fantasy Golf (PTFG) is a game of skill that offers a variety prizes to participants based on their performance relative to others. PTFG participants use their own skills and abilities to (1) predict the future performance of professional golfers over an extended period time, (2) strategically start and substitute golfers while balancing the number of times a golfer is used, and (3) other skills and strategies based on the Rules and Scoring System of PTFG.
Tournament Schedule
In the event that the PGA modifies any part of their season schedule for any reason, KJ Businesses, LLC reserves the right to determine prize winners based on a modified PTFG schedule. If a golf tournament is canceled, it will be removed from the schedule, and any golfer picks will be rolled back. In the highly unlikely scenario of the PGA season being canceled altogether, all prizes won prior to the cancellation will be distributed to the winners.
Lineup Submissions
Each week, participants must submit their lineup via the website prior to the cutoff time for each tournament (as per the PTFG rules). Upon submitting a lineup, participants will receive a confirmation e-mail. Participants can also use the “Results” page to immediately confirm their lineup. With these mechanisms in place, it is the participant’s responsibility to ensure their lineup was successfully processed by the system.
Lineup Deadlines
Whenever possible, PTFG uses a consistent staring lineup deadline of 6 AM central time. However, PTFG reserves the right to adjust these times based on abnormal tournament start times (e.g. British Open). Participants should always check the website for updates regarding lineup deadlines. Scheduled lineup reminders are sent via e-mail each week with the lineup deadline included.
Late Lineups
In general, lineups will not be accepted after the lineup deadline. The only exception is if a participant submits their lineup via e-mail instead through the website. E-mail submission is sometimes necessary if the participant forgets their password or cannot access the Internet and must submit their lineup via a proxy. In this case, the e-mail must have a timestamp prior to the deadline or it will not be accepted. Any lineup received via e-mail will be entered in the system by the commissioner as soon possible. Participants should submit their lineup via e-mail to Commissioner@dimpledballs.ProTourFantasyGolf.com.
Weekly scores for each participant are computed based on their lineup submitted for the tournament (see rules for full explanation). The PGA Tour tournament website is used for the official golfer earnings. Any fractional dollar amounts (pennies) are truncated.
Weather Impacted Tournaments
If the rare event that all four rounds of a tournament are not completed due to weather or any other reason, PTFG will assign golfer earnings as per the official tournament results.
Rule Disputes
Any disputes or discrepancies regarding PTFG rules will be resolved by KJ Businesses, LLC based on its interpretation of the rules. PTFG will consider the intent and spirit of the rules, the integrity of the content, as well as the feasibility of accommodating any appeal. All disputes must be submitted via email to < a href="mailto:Admin@ProTourFantasyGolf.com">Admin@ProTourFantasyGolf.com. The deadline for submitting a rule dispute is the one week from the ending date of the golf tournament for which the dispute occurred. All decisions made by PTFG are final and binding. PTFG reserves the right to modify any rules for clarification purposes without materially affecting the terms and conditions of the contest.
Email Addresses
All league communication is performed via e-mail. Therfore, it is the sole responsibility of each participant to notify Pro Tour Fantasy Golf if their e-mail address should change during the PTFG contest. E-mail addresses can be changed by sending an email to Commissioner@dimpledballs.ProTourFantasyGolf.com. The e-mail should contain both the old and new email addresses. Participants will notified once their new e-mail address has been updated in the system. As mentioned in the Participant Privacy section below, e-mail addresses are never displayed on the league website or shared with anyone.
Password Privacy
Passwords used by contest participants are encrypted and cannot be retrieved by PTFG employees. If a participant forgets or loses their password, they can request it be reset to a default value via e-mail. After the reset, participants can change their password to whatever they want. Participants are responsible for the secrecy of their password. KJ Businesses, LLC is not responsible or liable for any actions taken by someone else using a participant's password.
Participant Privacy
KJ Businesses, LLC does not share the e-mail addresses or mailing address of its participants with anyone. KJ Businesses, LLC fully respects each participant’s privacy. E-mail addresses are not displayed on the PTFG website.
Internet Technology Issues
If for any reason, the PTFG system is not capable of functioning as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other causes beyond the control of KJ Businesses, LLC which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the contest, KJ Businesses, LLC reserves the right to modify the rules or suspend the PTFG contest. KJ Businesses, LLC assumes no responsibility for any error, omissions, interruption, deletion, defect or delay in operation with transmission, communications, line failure, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to the website.
Personal Behavior
Participants agree to behave in a lawful, respectful, and sportsmanlike manner while using of the PTFG website including, but not limited to, the clubhouse message board. Any conduct by a participant which is deemed by KJ Businesses, LLC to threaten, harass, intimidate, offend or harm any participant or PTFG representative is strictly prohibited. KJ Businesses, LLC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to ban any person from further participation if they engage in such prohibited conduct.
Website Tampering
Any attempt by a participant or individual to deliberately damage the PTFG website is a violation of criminal and civil law. If such an event occurs, KJ Businesses, LLC reserves the right to seek damages to the fullest extent of the law.
KJ Businesses, LLC is not responsible for any problem or technical malfunction which impedes or interferes with a transaction including but not limited to starting / sub lineup submissions. KJ Businesses, LLC is not responsible for the failure of any cable or DSL connectivity, computer servers, equipment, software, or traffic congestion on the Internet or any damage to a participant's computer related to or resulting from participation in PTFG. KJ Businesses, LLC is not responsible for any loss or liability incurred by any participant or for any unlawful behavior by a participant. PTFG is not associated with the Professional Golfers Association or any of its members, the PGA Tour, or any golf tournaments making up this contest. PTFG is governed by the laws of the state of Missouri without regard to principles of conflicts of law. PTFG is void where prohibited by law. All federal, state, local, and provincial laws and regulations apply. In the event that this contest is challenged by any legal or regulatory authority, KJ Businesses, LLC reserves the right to discontinue or modify the contest, or to disqualify participants residing in the affected geographic areas. In such event, KJ Businesses, LLC shall have no liability to any participants who are disqualified due to such an action.
By submitting their entry fee, participants hereby release, discharge and covenant not to sue KJ Businesses, LLC, employees, or other participants. Participants agree to hold those parties harmless from all liability, claim, demands, losses, or damages caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of KJ Businesses, LLC. Participants further agree that despite this waiver if they or anyone on their behalf makes a claim against KJ Businesses, LLC, participants will indemnify, save, and hold harmless KJ Businesses, LLC or employees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss liability, damage, or cost which may be incur as a result of such a claim.